The selection includes most acute xenophobic incidents and some other incidents which can be clasified as a hate speech. I have selected a small number of cases (13 cases combined into 8 descriptions for 2008 of total of 134 registered incidents initiated by the staff or invited guests) mostly with the intention to publish them in "NEWER AGAIN" magazine, issue #17. The selection for year 2009 is less filtered although it is also a small part of all the registered incidents (34 out of 235) which list is anyway not complete. For year 2010 I describe 24 cases of 170. The methodology is also not precise enough to consider the differences in numbers for the consecutive years (134, 235, 157) to be meaningful.

From the observations I conclude that proportions of xenophobia of the staff, inviteed guests and listeners are about 43:20:37. The number of incidents including also those initiated by the listeners in years 2008-2010 is: 245, 358, 230. Actually often the listeners are only repeating what they have heard on the waves of Radio Maryja.


On Jan 15th in broadcasted by RM record of a text of Fr Dr Jerzy Bajda (earlier published in "Nasz Dziennik") one could hear that "so called sexual orientations" are "not only a deviation of the sex instinct but also a mental and social deviation" and that "Homosexuality is a psychic or mental disorder provisioned by biological factors and if such a man is aware of his suffering he deserves tolerance and compassion. But if such man fights for so called right to sexual orientation, it is a very dangerous symptom of mental aberration. And if also the society or some state authority declares the right to sexual orientation as a basic humam right, it is a symptom of an advanced social disease which may be incurable. The healthy part of the society should defend itself against this disease by all means[?] because otherwise it causes itself unavoidable death." (published in "NW" #17)

On Apr 6th Andrzej Kołakowski was a guest of RM. He was singing songs with words like: "let he, faithful[?] as a dog crawls without an end/following a Jewish whip which hunches him" and "an American Jew writes about your fault for Holocaust/a word <<shame>> is strange to a Jew even though he was raised in a Polish family". (published in "NW" #17)

On Apr 20th the director of RM Fr Tadeusz Rydzyk broadcasted another text by Fr Prof Czesław Bartnik (earlier published in "Nasz Dziennik"), recommending the listeners to record it. The listeners could get to know that e.g. "This third position [selling the motherland to the EU] is represented most often by PO party, by post-comuunists, by cosmopolitans and various national minorities. For those thoughtless and withut heart it does not have any meaning that Brussels shackles us into cuffs in all areas: patriotic, political, economic, cultural and others." and: "Who will be deciding about our life in Poland one can see accurately after the visit of the primary minister Tusk in Israel. The primary minister promised that poor will pay the now rich Jews for the property taken from them either by Germans, or Bolshevics, or Jewish dignitaries from PZPR [former communist party]." Texts of this type are broadcasted regularly by RM. On Dec 27th 2007 one could hear about Polish diplomates: "after 1989 from Poland there were sent most eagerly [to posts in the embassies] post-communists, freemasons or Poles of Jewish origin, and until the year 2005 [when PiS won] they did not want to send Poles who are openly catholic. Thus also e.g. Anna Fotyga on the post of Foreign Secretary has met such a strong critic both in Poland and abroad." On Mar 1st a text by Fr Bartnik said: "So also today there is no shortage of liberals, post-communists and various minorities, who - conscient or unconscient - make an anti-state and anti-Christian backlash. The want to weaken the state, destroy the old legal and moral order, throw away from the public forum the Catholic Church and all-mankind ethical codex, divide the country into lands [like Germany], submit for custody to Germans, in a sense give away - like Bezprym [a Polish king] - the Polish crown to the empire." On Mar 31th RM presented opinion, from another text that "[the Strasbourg tribunal] can in individual suits request <<return>> of the property not only to Germans but also to volksdeutsches, Jews, Ukrainians, war and after-war emigrants, say nothing of zabużanie [people from former eastern Poland, behind the Bug river]." On Oct 2nd a broadcasted text infomed that atheism is a pathology and "After the war [there is present] the atheism and strong anti-catholicism spread by some Jewish lobbies, very influencial in the western world because of its financial and political meaning and domination over the media in many countries." (published in "NW" #17)

On Oct 8th Stanisław Michalkiewicz said in RM that "Gazeta Wyborcza" is a "Jewish newspaper for Poles". He was using similar words on Dec 19th 2007 ("<<Gazeta Wyborcza>> presents the Jewish point of view not as a Jewish ona but as an objective one") and od Jan 23rd 2008 ("Gazeta Wyborcza" will not "support interest of the state" because of "the conflict between financial and political aims of part of Jewish diaspora and Polish state interest").

On Oct 23rd Fr Tadeusz Rydzyk once again informed the listeners of RM that "since 1939 Poland is not goeverned by Poles" referring to late Fr A. M. Krąpiec. Fr Rydzyk was repeating this message many times already, e.g. on Mar 17th during the transmission of the meeting with RM listeners in Piotrków Trybunalski.

On Nov 16th RM broadcasted a recording of a speech by Prof Ryszard Kozłowski in Kalisz "Geotermic and geotemal energy as a chance for the energy security of Poland and Europe" in which the speaker expressed a hope that "maybe there will come a time when the parliament is Polish, the president is Polish, the primary minister is Polish" what caused a long applause of the gathered RM listeners. Kozłowski also said that the governement is on a lead and that "<<Rzeczpospolita>> newspaper is a property of Norvegian Jews". Fr Piotr Andrukiewicz from the RM staff who broadcasted this recording was encouraging propagating of it: "it is worth to copy, record on a CD [...] share these contents with others, let it goes further, also to the young people. We encourage you from all our hearts."
In the afternoon the recording was emitted by another RM staff member, a former redemptorists provincial Fr Zdzisław Klafka. The next day the speech was emitted once again - in a programme going through the satelite to North America, retransmitted there also from the medium wave transmitter in Chicago, Detroit, Phoenix, Toronto and Winnipeg.
On Nov 22nd the R. Kozłowksi speech was published by "Nasz Dziennik" but without the anti-Semitic fragments. (published in "NW" #17)

On Dec 14th Fr Tadeusz Rydzyk was talking in RM about families of the PO party politicians. Somebody's father was in PZPR [former communits party], in another's home "they were talking German".

On Dec 18th a listener of RM, without any objections from Fr Jacek Cydzik who was leading the programme said that "the Warsaw inhabitants have chosen an Eskimo [as president of the city] and Eskimos to the governement". Those Eskimos, said the listener ironically "do not melt with other nations and do not take the banks over".


On Jan 6th in RM programme Fr Benedykt Cisoń expressed a joy that the Magies "were pagans but not cynical and amoral atheists" neither "those fiddly modern atheists".

On Jan 11th in RM Fr Jacek Cydzik lead a programme about Roman Dmowski with Dr Krzysztof Kawęcki. Fr Cydzik said that "many jung Jews ... was working on the behalf of Lenin and Stalin", Kawęcki was justifying the persecution of Jews in the between wars Poland: "the action of boycotting the Jewish shops ... but it did not have any racist aspect, that was only a way of selfdefence agains the alien competition".

On Jan 16th RM broadcasted a recording of a statement of Dr Marek Czachorowski who said that only Poles can "oopose the fascist politics of fighting gays" and called to stop "the horrendous storm of the homosexual civilisation of death".

On Jan 17th Witold Michałowski talking in RM about energy said that "Russians are only able to murder and to drink vodka". This did not evoked any reaction of the Fr Fariusz Drążek leading the programme. The same statement was broadcasted next day from a record.

On Jan 31st during the regular appearances in the RM programme of Dr Jerzy R. Nowak Prof Bogusław Wolniewicz claimed that the only reason to include books of Bruno Schulz in the list of school obligatory reading was that he was a Jew. He was condemning participation of the Polish president in the ceremonies of Hanuka - "what should we Poles care about Hanuka!? ... it looks awful. The 10 years long ... pushy forcing of the Jewish culture and the Jewish point of view becomes unbearable!". He also said that the meeting at Wrocław University where Nowak was planning to have a speech at "was thwarted by a German Klaus Bachman" who "felt here as a komtur [a German commander]". In the same programme J. R. Nowak repeated the thesis that the meeting in Wrocław was called away thanks to Bachman "a German who was conducting". The programme was lead by Fr Waldemar Gonczaruk and Fr Jan Król.

On Feb 9th in RM Fr Piotr Andrukiewicz have read an information about a mass and demonstration organised by a society which propagates information about KL Warschau contradicting the historic truth. Such information was appearing many times in RM and were aimed agains Jews. The message read by Fr Andrukiewicz included a claim that "Poles are the only from the nations of the Polish capital whose victims were not honored".

On Feb 10th a listener of RM described the memeber of parliament Janusz Palikot as a "such Jewish-communistic jester of PO party". Fr Piotr Andrukiewicz who lead the programme commented: "you use strong words but they are justified".

On Feb 21st Prof Bogusław Wolniewicz invited to another program od Dr Jerzy R. Nowak lead by Fr Piotr Andrukiewicz said that the objections to the Nowak planned speech at Wrocław University were expressed by Klaus Bachman and "Gazeta Wyborcza" "together, against a Polish conference in Polish Wrocław" and it was "a Germano-Hebrew axis".

On Mar 5th RM was transmitting a monthly meeting of the RM listeners in Kalisz with participation othe local bishops. Fr Tadeusz Rydzyk said during this meeting taht "We all should care about the media, learn from the atheists, from those who have stolen away Poland."

On Mar 8th Fr Zdzisław Klafka broadcasted in RM a text by Fr Prof Czesław Bartnik published earlier in "Nasz Dziennik" and recorded by a RM lector Marek Prałat. One could hear e.g.:
"Our post-Poles are iritated that as the Szczecin-Kamień bishop was not nominated a Germanophile but Fr Bishop Andrzej Dzięga.",
"Signifficant part of the German and Jewish inteligentsia in Germany cultivates still anti-Polonism in politics, press, art, films, cabarets, historic publications, belles-lettres, satires, caricatures etc.",
"But one thing is important: the catholic nation cannot be governed only by non-catholics or even enemies of catholicism and Poland proper. The same will concern the election to the European Parliament."
and many other xenophobic remarks. In the same programme Fr Tadeusz Rydzyk announces the author to be "a prophet of our times".

On Apr 16th Fr Benedykt Cisoń broadcasted in RM a recording of sound of a programme from the television Trwam belonging to Fr T. Rydzyk and Fr J. Król. One of the interlocutors told "what the MP Bronisław [Geremek] said in an interview": "it was profitable for us do brind the factories to these pathetic ruins because they will be giving them us away for free" and that "in Poland ... the older brother [Jew] ... has to have better than a Pole". These are fragments of an already read in RM "interview" of Hanna Krall with Bronisław Geremek which is a falsificate of the communist Security Service. Fr Jacek Cydzik who also took part in the programme answered only "so, there were such interviews".

On May 8th and 9th RM broadcasted a recorded statement of Dr Marek Czachorowski praising a propagandist fighting with homosexuals Paul Cameron who, according to Czachorowski "as Heraclitus started to clean present-day stables". Czachorowski repeats the Cameron's claim that "the avareage life length of a homosexuals in United States is 39 years" and praises him because "nobody has shown better than P. Cameron the link of the homosexual practices with various other pathologies, including murders and violence."

On May 13th and 14th RM broadcasted a recorded statement of Stanisław Michalkiewicz who described homosexuals as persons who "satisfy their needs in a perverse way". Defenders of the right of the homosexuals he described as fundamentalists, fanatics and sodomites because, as in Sodom "somites of this city were attempting ... a homosexual rape, in the same way as now on all of us". Michalkiewicz claims that "EC directives concerning this issue aim to make us completely defensless agains the claims of sodomites", and demanding the equal rights is "a tyrany of a noisy and arrogant minority".

On May 15th and 16th RM broadcasted a recorded statement of Dr Marek Czachorowski (second emission was in the RM programme for America lead by Dr Dariusz Drążek). Czachorowski was again praising speeches of Paul Cameron in Poland and claimed that "the idea of making homosexuals equal" is "a totalitarian ideology" and that "it is not a shame to find oneself in the group of homophobes".

On May 21st Fr Benedykt Cisoń in a RM programme voiced a hope that "Kenia will be confirmed as a place of birth of the 1st secretary... excuse me, president of the United States".

On May 22nd and 23rd RM broadcasted a recorded statement of Dr Marek Czachorowski (a second emission was in the RM programme for America lead by Fr Benedykt Cisoń). Czachorowski claimed that a marriage of homosexuals "would not be anything else [than] only a consumer aproach to the spouse for own interest, just for pleasure" and that "Plans of single sex marriage exclude implementation of the right to have a family as a community respecting more that just an instrumental value of a person."

On May 25th Fr Piotr Dettlaff broadcasted in RM a text by Fr Prof Czesław Bartnik published earlier in "Nasz Dziennik", recorded by RM lector Marek Prałat. One could hear e.g.:
"The important Polish policy makers do not care that the German constitution does not accept the Odra and Nysa border. We still miss a proper defence against claims of Germans and Jews.",
"PO party, in line with its cosmopolitan ideology does not defend our intrest in the world properly, and still very weakly oppose the hostile atheistic, masonic and Jewish propaganda.".
"Despite of denying the whole western ideology is bieng imposed on us, including secularism, atheism and moral degeneration."

On Jun 20th Fr Jan Król broadcasted in RM a text by Fr Prof Czesław Bartnik published earlier in "Nasz Dziennik", recorded by a RM lector Marek Prałat. One could hear e.g.:
that the Jewish population of between wars Poland "suffered for spreading the Soviet communism",
"German in a way invasion on Poland continues in various ways: through economy, political actions, legal system, propaganda, culture, and by a generous awarding of those Poles who are for submission to the German state. And in this way Germans start to more and more reign over us and sreering the Polish politics.",
"A state built on atheism and hate have to collapse quickly."

On Jun 25th and 26th in an illegally broadcastyed by RM advertisement of "Nasz Dziennik" one could hear that "the Holocaust business starts at full speed" and that "USA embassy organises in Poland a front of a homosexual revolution. Would not it be better to give gays a green card?".

On Jun 27th RM in a programme of Dr Jerzy Robert Nowak lead by Fr Dariusz Drążek, Prof Bogusław Wolniewicz, who is always ask to talk during this programme, said that Jews "cannit endure us at all" and that the Museum of History of Polish Jews "is a pseudo-museum, being built in Warsaw now, which will a center of anti-Polish propaganda".

On Aug 23rd RM was transmitting a meeting in Wójcin. During this meeting bishop Stanisław Napierała said that "the ground once selled cannot be recovered" because "we, descendants, sell it to descendants of the assailants ... Germans, Dutch - for them buying the ground in Poland is always profitable". "Poles will farm hands between the aliens ... the aliens will be always deciding about the Polish economy". In the next statement bishop Napierała said that "the attentive Polish language media - not really Polish - do their work", and we "will be only the workers in our own country, the others will be managing". The bishop was praising RM and television Trwam (owned by Fr T. Rydzyk and Fr J. Król) as "wonderfull, free" whereas "many of those great foreigners do not want is to be so".

On Sep 21st and 22nd RM broadcasted a text by Fr Prof Czesław Bartnik published earlier in "Nasz Dziennik" and recorded by the RM lector Marek Prałat. The first emission was in the program for America lead by Fr Grzegorz Moj. One could hear that:
"But the [ukrainian] leadership has a monstrous Asian mentality.",
"We are afraid that the Jewish lobby, which has a substancial influence on the American politics, aims to hit Poland because of unpaid war contributions for the Jewish property destroyed by Germans, Russians and communist Jews.",
"a biased ambassador [of the USA] is being prepared for us",
"feeling of being a Pole is in danger in various ways and because of various factors, mainly post-communism, liberalism and atheism."

On Sep 24th Fr Piotr Andrukiewicz was repeating with approbation sentences written by a fanatic catholic publicist Tomasz Terlikowski: "... I think that abortion is a murdering of a human and somebody who makes money on it does not differ much from nazis. It does not involve only Alicja Tysiąc but also her lawyers who deftly connect with the tradition of nazi and communist lawyers whos aim was not defending the law but excluding some people from the area defended by the law and even denying them the human rights.

On Sep 27th RM broadcasted a programme with Dr Jerzy R. Nowak lead by Fr Piotr Andrukiewicz. Nowak said that "after all the Germans want to take our western and northern teritories!" and he was talking about a vision when few years from now Russia with attack us and will place its government in Warsaw, then the Germans will take Silesia.

On Oct 2nd RM in an advertisement of "Niedziela" weekly illegally broadcasted by a "community broadcaster" one could hear a statement by the chief editor of this magasine Fr Dr Ireneusz Skubiś: "the ateists are alive and well in Poland, they have money and other ways to get to the media", but "the country is under an atheist witch-hunt".

On Oct 5th Fr Jacek Cydzik broadcasted in the RM night program an article of Fr Prof Czesław Bartnik. The same article was repeated by Fr Zdzisław Klafka, who said that "in place of the morning catechesis we want to listen to an article". The text was published earlier in "Nasz Dziennik" and was recorded by RM lector Marek Prałat. One could get to know from it that:
"EU ideology prefers between others Judaism, Islam, Protestantism, Ortodox Church, Hinduism, Buddhism and many sects but attacks in various open and hidden ways only the Catholic Church."
"In Poland a good example of influence of anticatholic liberalism is blocking access of catholics to higher public and civilizational posts."
"In any way we, catholics, do not have the same rigths in the public life as th non-catholic, atheists and non-Poles have."
"Meanwhile the media govern our country, usually in the name of EU Germany and the Jewish lobby."

On Oct 8th RM broadcasted a program with Wojciech Reszczyński leaded by Fr Piotr Dettlaff. Reszczyński said that "the Constitutional Tribunal in Karlsruhe confirmed repeatedly existence of Germany within the borders from 1937 ... there is nothing permanent in Europe, surely the borders are not permanent".

On Oct 21st the staff broadcasted a statement by Stanisław Michalkiewicz who said that "the current US administration sees Poland almost only as a money-box for the Jewish organisations of the Holocaust business". The same recording was broadcasted also in the programme for America.

On Nov 7th, during an event advertising SKOKs (Cooperative Societies of Savings and Credits, similar to Credit Unions) and foundation Lux Veritatis which happened in Nowy Sącz and was directly transmitted by RM Jan Pietrzak was telling chauvinistic jokes: "When the cows seem to be prettier than women - it mean that you crossed the Odra border [with Germany]".

On Nov 23rd Fr Jacek Cydzik broadcasted a recording of a text by Fr Czesław Bartnik published earlier in "Nasz Dziennik". The text was read by Marek Prałat. One could get to know e.g. that:
Jerzy Buzek become president of the European Parlament "not for free" and additionally "it helped him that he is a protestant and Silesian",
European Union forces an atheist ideology which is "deeply immoral, again values and anticatholic",
and "without christianity there will be chaos, ideological babble, moral decline, senseless life."

On Nov 26th Witold Michałowski a publisher o "Rurociągi" [gas pipes] monthly during his another appearance in RM said that we buy from Russia a gas which is being stolen by this country. The interlocutor from the staff Fr Grzegorz Moj did not have any comments to this statement.

On Nov 30th Fr Piotr Dettlaff broadcasted a record of a text by Fr Jerzy Bajda published earlier in "Nasz Dziennik". The article was read by Marek Prałat. From he text one could get to know that the signatures of the members of the parlament under a project of a resolution agains the judgement of European Tribunal of the Human Rights in the case concerning putting the Catholic Church signs in an Italian school were "a check who from the members of the parlament considers himself a Pole".

On Dec 8th and 9th a recorded earlier column by Prof. Piotr Jaroszyński was broadcasted. Jaroszyński was complaining on difficult times after the year 1989 when "the mean to subdue the nation ... it the full control of conscience", "we did not have a reliable knowledge of who is who", and "in reality this is a rule of an oligarchy, which is rule of the rich people, and rule of xenocracy - rule of the aliens".

On Dec 10th Fr Benedykt Cisoń was talking about an excursion to Kalisz with the pupils from WSKSiM [a small university belonging to Fr T. Rydzyk foundation] and was expressing delight with a newspaper from the year 1925 which was informing that: "we print annoucement of christian and catholic enterprizes only". According to Cisoń it was a manifestation of defence of Polishdom, cross, catholicism and Jesus. Cisoń was regretting that today annoucing such information is impossible because such a newspaper "would be accused for a 100-percent discrimination".


On Jan 26th Fr Waldemar Gonczaruk broadcasted a text of Fr Czesław Bartnik read by Marek Prałat. The text was published earlier in "Nasz Dziennik". It included the following statements: "After dropping religion, classical morality and objective truths the European Union cannnot cope with the affairs, corruptions(!), crimes and general devaluation of life.", there are ongoing "races for prize money from Germany for subduing Poland to it", and "the authentic Poles are wandering through subordinate posts and many of them succumb into the fasionable now political correctness - they have nothing to say when ruling the country is considered and we last in increasing hopelessness".

On Feb 3rd there was a talk broadcasted live and on Feb 4rd from a record. The talk was between Fr Piotr Dettlaff, Benedykt Wietrzykowski and Andrzej Jaworski and was concerning putting on a church of Redemptorists in Gdynia a commemoration table of German refugees shipwrecked during the WW II. Fr Dettlaff was deploring that such a commemoration was made, B. Wietrzykowski was surprised that "there was established a Union of the German Minority in Gdynia" and was expressing an opinion that "all the Germans should be either rehabilitated or should have been leaving Poland after the year 1949".

On Feb 3rd and 4th an earlier recorded message of Stanisław Michalkiewicz was broadcasted. Michalkiewicz said that "Aleksander Kwaśniewski [former president] ... have to be satisfied with kind of a night ward post in a Jewish European organization", and "[current] President Lech Kaczyński comes in nationalist groups for not only taking part eagerly in Jewish religious ceremonies but first of all for announcing a letter expressing joy of reactivating in Poland activity of a Jewish B'nai B'rith lodge - Order of Sons of the Covenant, despite that this organization aims to enforce from Poland Jewish property claims estimated for 65 bln dollars and to pacify Radio Maryja".

On Feb 10th and 11th an earlier recorded message of Stanisław Michalkiewicz was broadcasted. He stated that the community od "Gazeta Wyborcza" is "dominated by representatives of a Jewish lobby".

On Feb 11th Fr Waldemar Gonczaruk broadcasted a recording of Zbigniew Sulatycki speech: "The date of 10th of February is like a mirror for our history. It reminds us, shows us, and simultaneously teaches us how, in the past, we were experiencing declines when at the rudder were petty people, fools, traitors, or representatives of national minorities. Because those, serving to aliens for proverbial Judas pieces of silver, were narrowing borders of our state and even brought it off to erasing Poland from the map of the world for 123 years."

On Mar 4th and 5th another recording of a regular Antoni Macierewicz programme was broadcasted. Referring to the ongoing presidential election campain he was talking with clamour about Bronisław Komorowski's [who later won the election] opinion that homosexual relationship partners should have a right to inherit after each other. According to Macierewicz "It is a decision which, if actually entered into Polish law, would break the bones of the family, bones of the legal, social and economic order in Poland!" and allegedly would have negative consequences for the "position of a women in marriage".

On Mar 14th Fr Zdzisław Klafka broadcasted a recording of a text by Fr Jerzy Bajda printed earlier in "Nasz Dziennik", read by Marek Prałat. The broadcasted text said e.g. that "the monstrous bolshevic revolution was prepared by the freemasonry and endowed by the Jewish capital."

On Mar 15th a regular RM collaborator Prof. Piotr Jaroszyński, talking live with Fr Waldemar Gonczaruk said that "As they say in Africa, the missionaries say it somewhat witty, they said that the blacks listening to the God's words 'bear fruit and multiply' there were not listening what should they do next and they run to the forest to multiply - so said the missionaries from Burundi to me - but the white people listened what followed: "fill up the Earth, and conquer it" - that you should also cultivate, develop culture." The talk could be listened to again from a recording on Mar 16th.

On Mar 20th an RM staff member Michał Grabianka was taking part in talks after a retreat for farmers in Pyrzyce and said: "Is there no German colonisation? ... slowly those German tentacles are coming in ... as assumed by Bismarck in the 19th century.". He stated that regionalization inside the Europen Union will cause that "likely there will be no Polish state on this land". When one of the listeners said that "one of the Germans said that 'this will be ours, but there is not going to be a war or something like that but we will compell you economically to give it [the land] back'" (probably she was referring to a falsified speech of the German chancellor Gerhard Schröder regularily announced by RM for several years), Grabianka said: "you will mobilize and you will not allow Germans to displace you from this land".

On Mar 23rd Fr Jacek Cydzik during his night duty broadcasted a recording of a paper "Sources of antipolonism" spoken by Fr Prof. Waldemar Chrostowski on a WSKSiM conference. The paper was an extended version of an infamous speech of Chrostowski made in year 2001 (or 2002) during a retreat for military chaplains. Chrostowski was talking about the Jewish emigration after March 1968 as an emigration of to large extent "communist security service employees, judges, prosecutors, military propagandists" who "became tools and often authors of a slandering campain". Their Polish victims "they started to paint as fascists, chauvinists and antisemites". Chrostowski was also describing the national minorities in Poland as disloyal since the times of Poland's partitioning (18th to beginning of 20th century).

On Apr 25th in Fr Grzegorz Moj programmes there was a guest known to propagate homophobia - Peter Cameron accompanied by Michał Krupa. Cameron was expressing his homophobic view several times, giving him such an occasion was a reason to invite him. E.g. a listener suggestion to deprive homosexuals "prestiguous posts, first of all at work with children and youngsters etc., [because] they are ill persons ... let they do not go to the streets with it". Cameron answered that in a case of "a person who is already employed and manifests his homosexuality legal mechanism are to be used to remove or in some way make him harmless".

On May 4th Fr Prof. Tadeusz Guz in a programme of Fr Piotr Dettlaff said: "Germans own almost 3/4 of Polish media ... if we listen or read such dailies or watch such programmes which are broadcasted by aliens, let us not be surprised that their remote desire is weakening of Polishness, Polish culture, of attachemnt of Poles to their nation, to motherland, to state, to the economy".

On May 30th Fr Tadeusz Rydzyk during a meeting in Prostyń transmitted by RM talked about homosexualism: "for naming a pathology one gets into the court" and has given an example of persecution of a minister of health: "he said that homosexuality is a deviation and next day he was no longer a minister" [probably Fr Rydzyk refers do Kazimierz Kapera and his statement from 1991]. The Fr Rydzyk statement was broadcasted again from a recording on May 31st.

On Jun 26th an employee of RM and WSKSiM Dr hab. Jerzy R. Nowak in his regular programme, this time with Fr Jacek Cydzik, said: "Why one is not saying that Mr. Tusk [the primary minister] commited himself to pay off the Jewish claims? And they are very large, estimated by Prof. Finkelstein to be 65 billion dollars. He [Tusk] withdrew for the moment, he is not implementing it but he commited himself to it! He is afraid of protests when the economy is already ruined... And from what are going these claims to be paid when there may be not enough for the pensions?" Later Nowak in the programme with Fr Benedykt Cisoń was talking that division of EU into regions is "in German interest beacause later it is going to be easier to rip off the Silesia [from Poland]".

On Jun 28th during a meeting for RM listeners in Terliczka Fr Stanisław Mac said: "And between the biggest sins written by St. Lucia in her diary there is a sin of atheism, impiety which challeges the faith, which ignites hate between people, propagates injustice, disparages and degrades the human dignity." He also expressed a wonderment that one talkes about homosexuals and their problems at all: "After all did we hear some few or ten-odd years ago about homosexuals? Did we hear about homosexual relations, about the adoption allowed for homosexuals? No, we did not hear!"

In his regular programme broadcasted from a record on Jun 30th and Jul 1st Stanisław Michalkiewicz expressed a conviction that Hillary Clinton "is interested in our country only because of possibily of puling out from it 65 bln of dollars for Jewish organizations of certain industry" (reference to the antisemitic term "Holocaust industry").

On Sep 2nd Fr Dariusz Drążek in programme with Dr. Zbigniew Kuźmiuk defined a term "of-Polish-language" often used in RM: "Media ... of-Polish-language because 'Polish' mean serving Poland, and [these] here only use sometimes the Polish language taking about issues [in a way] not very favourable for Poland."

On Sep 16th Fr Janusz Dyrek broadcasted an earlier recorded statement of Dr. hab. Tadeusz Gerstenkorn, employee of WSKSiM, who referring to Europride demonstration which took place in Jul 2010 in Warsaw casted doubt on sense of being proud from being different and added: "I did not see deaf, blind gimps organizing extra[?] parades". He stated that also thiefs could demonstrate: "why could not e.g. thiefs demonstrate to show marvells of the different way of gaining goods than the ordinary beleaguerd mortals do". This whole statement Fr Jacek Cydzik termed as "academic column".

On Sep 30th Fr Dariusz Drążek during a talk with Fr Waldemar Cisło concerning persecution of Christians said that "another problem of discrimination, at least in United Kingdom, have catholic adoption centers which do not agree to give children for breeding to homosexual couples, because the child is not an animal which can be given somewhere due to somebody's wish." According to Fr Drążek forbidding those catholic centers discriminating homosexuals is a discrimination. In general the topic of the talk was the real persecution of Cristians and killing of them. The interlocutors concealed that in many countries where Cristians are persecuted homosexuals are persecuted too, including assassinations.

On Sep 31st and Oct 1st a regular advertisement of "Nasz Dziennik" read by Marek Prałat was broadcasted some 9 times (ads are not allowed to "community broadcasters"). It contained a statement by Paweł Woliński from Mama i Tata (Mother and Father) Foundation: "employing people who are declared homosexuals and lay out their worldview to the young people should not be allowed also in a public school."

On Oct 13th Fr Tadeusz Rydzyk yet another time was quoting late Fr Mieczysław A. Krąpiec who was involved personally into hate speech in Radio Maryja for many years and in one of appearances said that "the drama of Poland is that since 1939 is not being governed by Poles". Fr Rydzyk asserts that Fr Krąpiec was "the most eminent philosopher of our times" and repeats his statement since many years - only this one. Sometimes after citing Fr Krąpiec he stipulates that "it is not agains any nation" but the intention is clear: Poland occupied during the World War II and communist Poland was governed by aliens and the democratic Poland is also being governed by aliens.

On Dec 7th and 8th a record of a regular programme of Prof. Piotr Jaroszyński was broadcasted. This time Jaroszyński was refering to the thought of a rasist historiosopher Prof. Feliks Koneczny (1862-1949). Jaroszyński talked about various civilisations appearing in Poland. Except of enforced ones there were also ones "brought with them by those arriving from other countries of Europe as Jews and Gipsies. By then one could find out how different folks those were although some were qualifed as Europeans or at least as belonging to the white race. But still their civilisation was different from ours and so thoroughly that there had to be a deadly fight. Because we were not able to live in an alien civilisation."

On Dec 28th Fr Benedykt Cisoń broadcasted text of an article of Fr Czesław Bartnik published earlier in "Nasz Dziennik", recorded by Marek Prałat. The recording included the following statements:
"Numerous post-marxists, socialists, liberals, atheists, present-day nihilists, many Jews, and even Cathlics are uniting in attempts to underplaying or brutal trampling of all what is Polish, patriotic and Catholic.",
"It is a pity though, that predominant majority [of Jews] was not acting in accord with the Polish raison d'etat, was not favouring the Catholic Church, what was pointed out by the popes in the 18th century, and - when we were suffring great defeats - they were supporting our enemies."
"We are very distressed that most of Polish Jews does not know what is gratitude to non-Jews."

On Jan 2nd Dr hab. Jerzy R. Nowak in his regular programme, this time with Fr Piotr Andrukiewicz, said that he is going to describe "what was happening [during the World War II] in Kresy [former Eastern Poland] where very often Jewish communists, or leftist, or just cynical harlots were robbing the Polish property, the [Catholic] Church property".


On Jan 8th Fr Benedykt Cisoń had a programme "Roman Dmowski politics reality" with Prof. Mieczysław Ryba and Radosław Brzózka from "Cywilizacja" quarterly. Ryba was comparing WSKSiM with Collegium Nobilium [a school from 18th-19th century], and contemporary situation [partitioning of Poland] to the present-day one, citing its description from Władysław Konopczyński's book: "Jews fatal kingdom and vermin expansion, immense misery of serfdom".

On Jan 19th Fr Waldemar Gonczaruk in 2-hours programme directed to young people was advertising WSKSiM. Fr Prof. Paweł Bortkiewicz who took part in this programme was taking about homosexual relations: "Marriage is simply a union of man and woman, only and solely, and no social configuration, with a table, with a computer, or with an animal, or with a person of the same sex is not, was not and never will be a marriage, a matrimonium." Fr Bortkiewicz works in WSKSiM which belong to Fr T. Rydzyk foundation and was a reviewer of his doctorate at UKSW (University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński owned by he Catholic Church, finansed by the state).

On Jan 21st Dr. hab. Jerzy R. Nowak in a talk with Fr Jacek Cydzik, after insulting Jan T. Gross (a sociologist and historian, recently publishing about history of Jews in Poland) because of his new book, stated that it is printed to allow Jews to enforce a multibillion tribute from Poles. He also accused Jews for killing civilians in Koniuchy and Naliboki during the World War II.

On Jan 26th and 27th a recording of a regular programme of Stanisław Michalkiewicz was broadcasted. He called the homosexual names of sodomites, deviant and fools. He also stated that because of European Union regulations somebody suspected of discriminating at employing should prove that he was not discriminatory it means that fascists govern the UE.

On Jan 29th Dr hab. Jerzy R. Nowak in his regular programme, this time with Fr Janusz Dyrek, said that new book of Jan T. Gross "is going to pave the way for enforcing from us a tribute of $64 bln" what may be approved on the meeting of the governments of Poland and Isreal in November [actually in February 2011]. Nowak was backing his statements with "Ateneum Kapłańskie" (an official Catholic journal for priests), issue 1/2011 with an article of Fr Prof. Waldemar Chrostowski talking about "represented by part of the Jews strategy which is purely political and in the background has economic claims going to gain particular benefits. Because these benefits may the bigger the more murky and bleak is the image of the Church and Christians thus the postulate of forgiving transforms into another occasion to disavow Christianity, or at least to convince all Jews that it is worth to contact the Catholic Church only if it confirms the moral superiority od Jewishness and ensures Jews measurable gains."

This file is available as
or in Polish version as
Contact: Rafał Maszkowski <>,
Version: $Id: incidents.html,v 1.31 2011/05/14 22:31:16 rzm Exp $

$Log: incidents.html,v $
Revision 1.31  2011/05/14 22:31:16  rzm
Bortkiewicz - reviewer not promoter

Revision 1.30  2011/03/11 11:45:53  rzm
finished current portion!

Revision 1.29  2011/03/10 17:24:36  rzm
beginning of Jan 2011

Revision 1.28  2011/03/10 16:02:41  rzm
corrected: WWII; Jan 2011

Revision 1.27  2011/03/10 15:18:07  rzm
updated introduction; Dec 2010

Revision 1.26  2011/03/07 23:13:56  rzm
translation until Oct 2010

Revision 1.25  2011/03/02 22:38:41  rzm
up to Sep 2010

Revision 1.24  2011/02/25 01:22:23  rzm
cases until beginning of May 2010

Revision 1.23  2011/02/24 13:40:53  rzm
more translated incidents from Feb/Mar

Revision 1.22  2011/02/24 13:31:05  rzm
*** empty log message ***

Revision 1.21  2011/02/24 13:11:00  rzm
two more

Revision 1.20  2011/02/08 15:00:01  rzm

Revision 1.19  2011/02/05 19:54:28  rzm
translation until beg. of Feb 2010; small corrections in Polish version

Revision 1.18  2011/02/05 15:49:34  rzm
finished year 2009

Revision 1.17  2011/02/04 22:04:34  rzm

Revision 1.16  2011/02/04 22:02:56  rzm
translation pending; formatting

Revision 1.15  2010/01/30 12:21:06  rzm
finally(?) fixed the abbreviations; other typos

Revision 1.14  2010/01/30 11:00:31  rzm
Fr. and other typos

Revision 1.13  2010/01/14 15:12:09  rzm
nested quotation marks

Revision 1.12  2010/01/14 15:09:42  rzm
many typos (any help in correcting the text is welcome)

Revision 1.11  2010/01/06 14:42:09  rzm

Revision 1.10  2009/12/16 09:33:52  rzm
totals- more precise update

Revision 1.9  2009/12/16 09:29:18  rzm
addition: I count only incidents initiated by the staff or invited guests

Revision 1.8  2009/12/16 09:22:32  rzm
totals update

Revision 1.7  2009/12/14 13:45:33  rzm
new for Oct-Nov 2009

Revision 1.6  2009/11/17 17:22:25  rzm

Revision 1.5  2009/11/17 17:21:54  rzm

Revision 1.4  2009/11/03 16:41:54  rzm
e-mail & WWW

Revision 1.3  2009/11/03 16:39:26  rzm

Revision 1.2  2009/11/03 15:55:49  rzm

Revision 1.1  2009/11/03 15:48:36  rzm
turning incidents into HTML

Revision 1.2  2009/10/27 17:01:45  rzm
HTML w pliku incydenty

Revision 1.1  2009/10/27 14:49:25  rzm
dodane incidents i incydenty